Super CricketSuper Cricket3.912385
Car Vs Cop 2Car Vs Cop 24.117645
Ninja DragonNinja Dragon3.5
Mission TerrorMission Terror3.9548
Brick OutBrick Out3.225805
3D Racing Extreme3D Racing Extreme2.75
Jewels MatchJewels Match3.75
Cars VS CopsCars VS Cops4.19355
Aladdin AdventureAladdin Adventure3.85965
Fighter AircraftFighter Aircraft3.055555
Arabian NightArabian Night4.0625
Hanuman AdventureHanuman Adventure0
Twin BallTwin Ball2.5
Dont Touch The SpikeDont Touch The Spike0
Explode BallzExplode Ballz5
Dingo The DragonDingo The Dragon3
Football MultiplayerFootball Multiplayer3.57143
Color ZapColor Zap2.5
Right ColorRight Color4.166665
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