Pop It Fidget NowPop It Fidget Now3.87097
Math Dog Integer AdditionMath Dog Integer Addition3.965515
Number Crunch MultiplicationNumber Crunch Multiplication4.411765
Quadrant CommanderQuadrant Commander1.25
Left Turn Otto The Otter SideLeft Turn Otto The Otter Side5
Neon GuitarNeon Guitar1.666665
Stone SmackerStone Smacker5
Chess Move 2Chess Move 23.57143
These games are developed by mathnook.com, such as Pop It Fidget Now, Math Dog Integer Addition and Number Crunch Multiplication. You can play these games for free on 4J.Com. When mathnook.com publishes a new game, our editors will add it to 4J.com so you can play the lasted games. Enjoy!
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